freeman المـديـر العـــام
عدد المساهمات : 19309 تاريخ التسجيل : 05/01/2011 العمر : 64 الموقع :
| موضوع: Using Mind Maps for Brainstorming الخميس يناير 30, 2014 10:01 am | |
| Why Brainstorm?
Brainstorming is a great way of solving problems and coming up with new ideas. It allows you to examine the problems from outside the boundaries of normal thinking, and understand the issues and root causes, and come up with alternative solutions. Brainstorming can also be used for impact analysis and decision making.
In the project management context, you can brainstorm from the objectives and goals down to the tasks to explore new ideas, possibilities and alternatives. It gives us a much more understandable and complete plan than what you would get if you just stuck to task level planning.
Brainstorming can be great for team building where you have shared discussions, and also for individual ideation, and has the benefits of improving initiative and innovation within an organization or individually, as well as improving quality and profitability, efficiency and morale.
Basic Concepts of Brainstorming
The basic concept behind brainstorming is to capture ideas as quickly as possible so that you get past the judgment that you typically use to assess ideas before recording them, and instead we want to capture the ideas as they occur assuming no money, time, resource or any other constraint, and without judgment, building on ideas as you think of them as well as pushing yourself to think in new directions. The concept is that out of quantity comes quality – there will be great ideas in amongst the many ideas you throw out there.
As you think of the ideas, you record the keywords on topics – at the moment, you don’t care where you put the topics, because you can graft them elsewhere later, but if it isn’t slowing you down, you might like to do some high level grouping by putting some of the main topics in place and adding related ideas as sub-topics. In some cases, it can work well to have a few floating topics for your main ideas, and create “islands” of information which you can organize and refine later.
In order to keep up with the recording of ideas, you can just type in the topic, press Return/Enter to finish, and press Return/Enter again to create the next topic, and so on. This makes it really quick to record the information as it comes up.
What if I run out of ideas?
Sometimes when you are brainstorming, you will get stuck and run out of ideas completely or you may just think that there should be more ideas related to an idea you have on the map already, but you can’t think of what it might be at the time, so let’s look at some ways of getting unstuck.
Firstly, if you think there should be more ideas related to an existing topic, or additional concepts to come from the title of the Mind Map, add blank topics to your Mind Map, because your subconscious mind hates to leave things unfinished, and will go looking for ideas to fill the empty topics.
You can also take a break, and go away and either do something else or go for a walk. Doing something else lets your subconscious mind work on the problem and come up with answers when it is not under pressure. Repetitive activities like walking are particularly good for letting the thoughts surface. You might find that a change of scenery like going to the park or going down by the sea may lead to a different sort of inspiration where you come up with different ideas. You can either take your laptop with you or anything which will allow you to record ideas as you think of them rather than trying to remember them until you get back to the office.
Very often when we are thinking about a topic, we get stuck in a groove where there is a well worn track in our thinking and it is very hard to come up with new ideas. This is where introducing random words and ideas can jolt your thinking in new directions. Sometimes it’s good to use a thesaurus to find related words first, and progressively move away from your starting point, then at a suitable point, stop, and look for the associations back to the original concept. Other times, it can be more stimulating to pick a random word from a dictionary or web site – anywhere – and then try to relate that in some way to the topic you are brainstorming about.
Another idea is to look at similar problems in different domains and seeing if you can apply solutions that worked in that domain to the idea you are brainstorming about.
You can also ask the question “How would others solve/approach this?”. This is particularly useful when you take the point of view of other parties involved in the problem or impacted by the solution.
You can ask questions like: Who? What? Why? When? Where? How? How often? Who does this impact? …to encourage yourself to look at the problem from a different perspective.
And finally, ask the question: “If there was another solution, what would it be?”. This is an idea that comes from Neuro-linguistics, and brings your imagination into play. It’s like saying, “I know that there is no other option, but just for a moment, imagine that there was another option, if there was another option, what would it be?”. And almost every time, your imagination kicks in and supplies another idea, and then once that door that was closing off ideas has opened up, it’s often like floodgates opening up and you start coming up with dozens more ideas.
Now, when you have recorded enough ideas, you need to reorganize them by grouping them so that you start with the overall concepts and then organize the ideas as sub-topics so that you can see the the big picture and the details. Often it is useful to graft related topics into groups as floating topics, and then graft the floating topic on to the Mind Map. Where there are important ideas, make sure they are highlighted with adornments or images or by color etc, and also if there are ideas that are related to more than one group, you can show the secondary associations by the link lines. ْ
________*التــَّـوْقـْـيـعُ*_________ لا أحد يظن أن العظماء تعساء إلا العظماء أنفسهم. إدوارد ينج: شاعر إنجليزي
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