freeman المـديـر العـــام
عدد المساهمات : 19334 تاريخ التسجيل : 05/01/2011 العمر : 64 الموقع :
| موضوع: Brainstorming Tips and Techniques الخميس يناير 30, 2014 10:02 am | |
| Now let’s just drill down a bit and have a look at some important points for both brainstorming by yourself and in a group.
The most critical thing is to define the problem or topic clearly first. Have a look at the problem solving article to remind yourself of the four cartesian quadrants of problem definition by asking the questions: What is the problem? What is it not? We have this problem because… We don’t have a solution because… And apply these thoughts to the topic you are examining.
Also define your desired outcome, so you know when you have achieved your objective.
Start with the subject as the Mind Map title, and imagine that you have your “inner advisor” giving you the ideas and solutions, using the techniques we have already mentioned. Start adding top level topics and then children topics, or using floating topics as required, without judgment or limitation, and not worrying about organization.
Stop when you have either run out of ideas and have exhausted the ideas we just mentioned for getting unstuck, or when you have collected enough ideas.
It is only after you have collected the ideas that you evaluate and organize them, and in the process you sometimes need to expand the best ideas to give more concrete detail.
Group Mind Mapping
Now when you are mind mapping in a group, you need some structures and methods in place to make sure that the whole process goes smoothly.
You should appoint a recorder, a session leader, and everyone else is the “panel”. You don’t want a huge group – groups of more than 10-15 people can get quite difficult to manage, and it may be best to split into different groups and then combine the ideas later, or consider different aspects of the topic.
Now the next point is very important: there have been at least 25 studies done since 1958 which all show that if you try to brainstorm with an entire group without individual brainstorming first, you end up with fewer and lower quality ideas. So, first go through the definition of the topic and the intended outcome with the participants to make sure you are on the same page, and then do the individual brainstorming and return to share ideas, making sure that you give everyone a fair say.
As the ideas are mentioned and recorded on the overall Mind Map, there are going to be ideas relating to those topics come up from other participants, and these should be recorded without judgment or constraints, and also without elaboration – you just want the keywords. Then the process of grouping, culling, and elaboration is much the same as for individual brainstorming.
With this structure in place, and using these techniques, you will be able to brainstorm ideas and solutions either individually or in a group, and come up with better solutions and ideas. ْ
________*التــَّـوْقـْـيـعُ*_________ لا أحد يظن أن العظماء تعساء إلا العظماء أنفسهم. إدوارد ينج: شاعر إنجليزي
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