There are some events in American history that have impacted Americans in very profound ways.
As an American, some of these events I’ve experienced personally, such as the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks where I was actually living in New York City when it happened. While others I know only through history books.
All these events have shaped the psyche of a nation. As I reflected on these transformational events, I was struck by the sense of struggle and progress – as well as the tragedy and triumph.
Below is a mindmap I created to visually represent these events (with dates):
You can also click on the links below for more information on each event:
Revolutionary War
Louisiana Purchase
California Gold Rush
Uncle Tom’s Cabin Published
Civil War
Emancipation Proclamation
First Transcontinental Railroad
World War I
Women’s Suffrage
Great Depression
Dust Bowl
Social Security Established
World War II
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb
First Presidential Address on TV
Brown v. Board of Education
Rosa Parks Bus Protest
Interstate Highways Created
“Little Rock Nine” Army Escort
Cuban Missile Crisis
MLK “I Have a Dream Speech”
Kennedy Assassination
MLK Assassination
Landing on Moon, Apollo 11
Kent State Shootings
Watergate Scandal
Roe v. Wade Ruling
Fall of Saigon
Space Shuttle Explosion
Oklahoma City Bombing
9/11 Terrorist Attack
First Black President Elected
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