freeman المـديـر العـــام
عدد المساهمات : 19309 تاريخ التسجيل : 05/01/2011 العمر : 64 الموقع :
| موضوع: my Observation Reflections السبت فبراير 22, 2014 7:10 pm | |
| Observation Reflections Having a little walk is one of the things I really like to do. My destination was clear from the beginning because I detected a nice clearance in the woods when I made a picture for my book cover.
So I made many observations about people, nature and other things. I wrote only a part of it down on my mind map to make the font size not too little ;-) It was an easy job to expand the walk and the “quite sit‑in” in the forest time wise because I felt relaxed, enjoyed it and was not bored at all. I wondered what would be the right time for me to leave the clearance. And what was the blue spot in the middle of the woods that was not moving?
I tried to “purely” observe and not to interpret everything in the beginning. When I designed my mind map I made of course interpretations by e.g. choosing pictures, selecting observations, making statements. I applied more or less the same categories as given in the description it order to have a clear structure for myself. Another reason was to stick as much to the task (how I interpreted it!) as possible. The first part I designed by means of my computer and corresponding tools “on the paper”. For the second part I really took the pen and fixed the rest on real paper.
My strongest observation was the strong mismatch in sounds of civilization and sounds of nature. I think I do not need to tell you which sounds I preferred. It is hard to find a place where you can fade out disturbing noises (from civilization) to a high extend.
As a result observations are a very good basis for creativity to my mind because you have a kaleidoscope of things you can first absorb, then describe without interpreting it and thirdly look what feelings they induce. Finally you have a lot of stuff to interpret and stir it up in your mind, in words, on the paper, in other words one tries to be creative. So you do not miss stimulations if you observe accurately. How I process these observations and stimulations better I hopefully get lots of inputs in the course and with you as other participant. ْ
________*التــَّـوْقـْـيـعُ*_________ لا أحد يظن أن العظماء تعساء إلا العظماء أنفسهم. إدوارد ينج: شاعر إنجليزي
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