Sometimes You Have To Take A Step Back Before You Can Move Forward
by John Colanzi
i don't know about you, but every so often I find myself getting too close to my business.
I start spending too much time promoting and advertising, and not enough time relaxing and letting nature take its course.
My view becomes more and more microscopic and I get bogged down in details and miss the big picture.
It's as if I'm sitting on a beautiful beach and instead of taking in the panoramic view of the ocean, the warm sun and the waves gently rolling against the beach, I'm obsessing on a single grain of sand.
It doesn't happen all at once. It's a gradual process.
I don't really notice it until my brain begins to rebel.
I start obsessing. My mind begins to freeze and I start wondering how I let myself make the same mistake again.
Why did I spend too much time at the pc?
Why did I keep pressing, when it's so much better to relax and soar?
Time to sit back and give my mind a rest.
It goes against the "nose to the grindstone" ethic, but working harder isn't working more efficiently.
Sometimes we need to give it a rest and allow our minds to rest. Even championship body-builders know that their muscles grow during the rest periods.
The same applies to your business. Sometimes you need to step back before you can see the big picture.
The Internet has changed business forever, but along with all the time saving promotional devices, has come the ability to spend too much time online.
You can just push a button and you're at work.
That's a double edged sword. Better than commuting to work, but oh so easy to lose sight of the big picture.
If you're finding you've hit a rut, or your business has fallen into a slight slump, maybe instead of pushing harder you should take a step back.
Cut yourself a little slack.
Give your mind a rest.
Hey, take some time to smell the roses.
Take a step back and you'll come back stronger than ever. Wishing You Success.
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