What is Critical Thinking?
Critical = Evaluative
To avoid misunderstanding, this page begins by explaining what it isn't: critical thinking is not necessarily being "critical" and negative. In fact, a more accurate term would be evaluative thinking. The result of evaluation can range from positive to negative, from acceptance to rejection or anything in-between. Yes, critical evaluation can produce a glowing recommendation. On this page, for example, the quotes and links — which are recommended, but (as with all sources of information) should be used with an attitude of "critical thinking" evaluation — are the result of my own critical thinking.
In productive problem solving you generate ideas (by creativity) and evaluate ideas (by criticality). Although creativity occurs first in the process, I think it's best to begin with a foundation of critical thinking. Why? Because wise evaluation, in critical thinking, can prevent "creativity plus enthusiasm" from converting questionable ideas into unwise action.
Here are two brief definitions of what it is: Critical thinking is "reasonably and reflectively deciding what to believe or do." ... Critical thinking means making reasoned judgments. Basically, it is using criteria to judge the quality of something, from cooking to a conclusion of a research paper. In essence, critical thinking is a disciplined manner of thought that a person uses to assess the validity of something: a statement, news story, argument, research, etc. {quotation from Robert Ennis, and paraphrase of Barry Beyer}
A page that is brief yet rich in ideas, and is worth reading carefully, is Defining Critical Thinking by Michael Scriven & Richard Paul. You can read Our Concept of Critical Thinking from The Critical Thinking Community which offers a comprehensive Library of Articles for you to explore.
Barbara Fowler has selected 19 brief definitions of critical thinking from a variety of sources, and Robert Ennis has a brief 11-point outline.
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