عدد المساهمات : 19334 تاريخ التسجيل : 05/01/2011 العمر : 64 الموقع : http://sixhats.jimdo.com/
موضوع: kids الخميس يوليو 28, 2011 2:04 pm
[size=18]]Students will learn to communicate in at least one language other than English.
Non-native speakers of English will learn to communicate in English.
Students will engage in conversation, sing songs, learn traditional dances, create art, create dialogues, and study useful and realistic thematic vocabulary words and expressions.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of traditions, artifacts and perspectives of international cultures.
Students will use information acquired from a variety of sources using technology, print, audiovisual, media and data to enhance knowledge.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of other cultures through comparisons of that culture to their own heritage.
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________*التــَّـوْقـْـيـعُ*_________ لا أحد يظن أن العظماء تعساء إلا العظماء أنفسهم. إدوارد ينج: شاعر إنجليزي