Some people call it perspective, some call it conceptualizing and some see it as visualizing – it all boils down to the same thing, learning to stay focused on the future.
It’s easy to become distracted. You know how it is when something better, brighter or bolder comes along and your attention begins to shift. The secret to lasting personal and professional success is having the determination and discipline to stay focused on the BIG picture.
Here are a few tips:
1. Write out your goals – what do you want, why do you want it and when will you achieve it. Dreams become goals once you’ve written them out so you can see and read them regularly. Developing a combination of short-term and long-term goals also makes it easier to stay focused and motivated on the future.
2. Be committed to your big WHY – your why is your powerful inner motivator for achieving your goals. The bigger and more emotionally powerful your why, the less likely you will allow yourself to become distracted by the ups and downs of life.
3. Write daily, weekly and monthly “to-do” lists – well thought out lists will help keep you focused and organized. Break your lists into bite-sized pieces. Don’t try to do too much at once because you could begin burning out and losing the enthusiasm to succeed.
4. Keep what’s important, important – don’t allow the little distractions to become big time wasters. Plan at least 75 – 80% of your day doing those things that will take you closer to your goals. Ask yourself, “Will this activity help make my goal a reality sooner rather than later?”
5. Take pride in what you’ve accomplished – give yourself an encouraging pat on the back. Staying focused on the big picture is easier when you find yourself enjoying the small steps along the way. Make time to appreciate even the smallest successes!
What do you think? Does staying focused on the BIG picture make it easier to do what needs to be done day-to-day? A powerful life and business skill is remembering that long-lasting success begins one small and focused step at a time!
لا أحد يظن أن العظماء تعساء إلا العظماء أنفسهم. إدوارد ينج: شاعر إنجليزي