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منتدى التفكير بواسطة القبعات الست
منتدى التفكير بواسطة القبعات الست
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منتدى التفكير بواسطة القبعات الست

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» ممتلئ بك انا ج 3
 Mind Mapping and Improving Grammar Points  Emptyاليوم في 12:24 am من طرف freeman

» مُمتلِئ بك أنا ج3
 Mind Mapping and Improving Grammar Points  Emptyاليوم في 12:21 am من طرف freeman

» ممتلئ بك ج 5
 Mind Mapping and Improving Grammar Points  Emptyاليوم في 12:19 am من طرف freeman

» إحتواء قصه قصيرة بقلم الروائي محي الدين حافظ
 Mind Mapping and Improving Grammar Points  Emptyأمس في 11:41 am من طرف freeman

» مراقب قصة قصيره بقلم محي الدين محمود حافظ
 Mind Mapping and Improving Grammar Points  Emptyالثلاثاء سبتمبر 17, 2024 12:48 am من طرف freeman

» المراقب والانتقام من ادم وذريته.. الاستاذ محي الدين محمود حافظ
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 Mind Mapping and Improving Grammar Points  Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 14, 2024 10:23 pm من طرف freeman

هذا المنتدى يتوفر على 1250 عُضو.
آخر عُضو مُسجل هو ErnestoDop فمرحباً به.

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أكبر عدد للأعضاء المتواجدين في هذا المنتدى في نفس الوقت كان 518 بتاريخ الإثنين سبتمبر 16, 2024 11:10 pm
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التواصل…أية أهمية في الوسط المدرسي؟
عضوه يهوديه جديدة في المنتدى...
سؤال مهم لجميع تلاميذ وقاد خميسي
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تكريم أنشط أعضاء المنتدى (حصري)
لماذا نخجل من كلمة عاطفة
سحابة الكلمات الدلالية
إدارة الفعال الطفل حرفي انني التغيير شرود القبعات التعليم الست اقرأ المحطة المعلم الناجح المهم الزمن الذهنية حواء النجاح التعلم الخاصة لحظة التفكير THINKING الخرائط حوار


  Mind Mapping and Improving Grammar Points

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المـديـر العـــام
المـديـر العـــام

عدد المساهمات : 19244
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/01/2011
العمر : 64
الموقع : http://sixhats.jimdo.com/

 Mind Mapping and Improving Grammar Points  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Mind Mapping and Improving Grammar Points     Mind Mapping and Improving Grammar Points  Emptyالخميس ديسمبر 13, 2012 11:20 am

Teachers are very patient individuals. In teaching their students, they often make use of mind mapping and the students have no idea about it. Grammar is not an easy subject and a lot of students encounter difficulty in mastering it. The mind maps are less commonly referred to as word maps or vocabulary networks. By introducing these to the students, they will be able to handle their grammar lessons easily. A typical example is organizing vocabulary groups and creating a central theme; from the central theme, the students can associate various nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

Mind mapping can also be used for grammar points. Tricky grammar elements can be easily understood with the use of concept questions. If a teacher wants to give advice to students, they usually use modal verbs like ought to or should. In the student's language, those modal verbs have no equivalent and in order to check if they understood the lessons is to ask some concept questions. Your students will be able to visualize and everything they learn will be retained for future applications.

Lots of teachers never realized the importance of mind mapping. They just continue to discuss the lessons to their students without caring if the students learned or not. For the concerned and good teachers, they don't rely on the explanations and discussions of the various class lessons. These teachers are more concerned if their students learned the lessons or if the students are having difficulty in coping with the grammar points.

Utilizing mind maps in teaching the grammar points may be of great help to you if you're also teaching grammar lessons to your students. Concepts will be visualized clearly by the students through simple diagrams.

As a responsible grammar teacher, you need to identify the grammar points where your students are having difficulty. After that, you can develop concept questions and then put them to mind maps.

It seems that lots of students encounter grammar difficulty. No amount of explanation by the teachers can help them understand the lessons quickly and effectively. If you're still not using mind maps in your grammar lessons, don't you think it's time to try them out? There's no harm in trying and if the mind maps are successful, you can continue using them in other grammar lessons where the students are having difficulty.

Various studies have shown that mind maps are effective tools in learning. Whether you're teaching in the pre-school, elementary, high school, or even college students, mind maps can be used by the teachers and professors.

Just remember that you need to arrange the map intuitively depending on the important concepts. You can also classify the map in branches, groupings, and areas with the main goal in your mind.

If you want to have brainstorming in class, make use of mind mapping and you will be able to witness the generation of various ideas. You simply have to present the grammar points in a graphical, non-linear, or radial manner; have a little discussion and some explanation and your students will surely have a great time and not only that, they will understand the lessons with ease.

Mind mapping is definitely a huge help when it comes to teaching students about grammar points. You can gather other helpful resources on the net so that you can create the mind maps without difficulty. Try it now.



لا أحد يظن أن العظماء تعساء إلا العظماء أنفسهم. إدوارد ينج:  شاعر إنجليزي
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» mind mapping grammar.jpg
» Showler-Introduction-Presentation-for-Idea-Mapping-or-Mind-Mapping
» Showler-Uses-of-Idea-Mapping-and-Mind-Mapping
» Idea-Mapping-or-Mind-Mapping-Guidelines (2)
» Idea-Mapping-or-Mind-Mapping-Guidelines (1)

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