freeman المـديـر العـــام
عدد المساهمات : 19309 تاريخ التسجيل : 05/01/2011 العمر : 64 الموقع :
| موضوع: How to think like GOOGLE الجمعة فبراير 28, 2014 9:35 am | |
| So, as you can see the body responds to every thought you have just like that GOOGLE algorithm. And the subconscious mind cannot process a negative, so whatever word you put into your mind search the body will react accordingly. If I ask you to think about a pink elephant…what are you thinking of? Try not to think of the pink elephant…now what…same deal, right? The more clear and positive you can be with your language the more your body will deliver better responses to challenging situations. Think how you may be programming yourself with thoughts like… I don’t want to fail I don’t want to get hurt I can’t handle rejection I cannot face judgment I am worried Finances are stressful I hate being overweight I am so unfit Through all these negative thoughts we create negative feelings and emotions and therefore will create a negative result because what we focus on we get!
Think of those thoughts with a positive spin on them… I can only succeed here I can protect myself in any situation Other people’s opinions are none of my business I can be myself in any situation I can handle anything I can handle my finances I am ready to be healthy and reach my weight goal
Notice how you feel when you use more positive language. Stronger? More Resilient? Calmer? Happier?
So here are my 7 tips to program your thoughts more positively and develop more optimism and positive results in your life:
Ask yourself GREATER QUESTIONS Questions are a powerful tool for activating thought patterns. So notice what questions you are asking yourself and if they are negative and leading to feelings of disempowerment, then ASK YOURSELF GREATER QUESTIONS. Some great self coaching questions include: Who do I need to be right now? What do I need to do to get me there What is a thought which empowers me right now? What do I need to feel good right now? How can I do this? What support do I need?
Visualize what you want Visualization programs the subconscious mind as well as the Reticular Activation System which is the centre of arousal in the brain. This centre also helps us filter in images and messages from our outside world which are relevant to what we are visualizing. Make it a daily practice to spend some time visualizing what you want and how you want it, with as much detail as possible and exactly how you want it to be.
Write out what you don’t want and then think about what you do want and write that out Make yourself a list: What I no longer want
I no longer want sadness What I want
I am happy and positive every day
Think of the positive opposite you want. Remember that if you are focusing on what you no longer want then all you are doing is creating more of what you don’t want. So turn it around and program into your GOOGLE mind search exactly what you want.
Stomp the ANTS Ants = Automatic Negative Thoughts. Very often we will default to negative thinking because through conditioning and repetition our brain has become wired that way. If we are wired that way then all it means is that we have dominant neurological pathways supporting negative thoughts and as we now know these pathways can be changed by repetitively challenging your thoughts and changing them. With each time you change a thought and think and act differently, you change your neurological pathways.
Use positive language From your positive list above reframe your words into the positive. Even if you still default to the negative habitual thoughts, auto correct any thoughts and keep on turning them into a positive.
Refine your thoughts Begin to become mindful and notice the feelings in your body each thought creates. Take responsibility for those thoughts and feelings and refine your thoughts until you can feel positivity within. Keep on cleansing and working on building clean, powerful and inspiring thoughts- this is who you will become.
Stay consistent This all takes time so keep going, keep growing, keep transforming and stay consistent. Every time you do something different to your normal habitual behavior your brain changes, so keep going and the keys here are repetition, frequency and intensity!
So become a GOOGLE MASTER and create your life exactly how you want it to be! ْ
________*التــَّـوْقـْـيـعُ*_________ لا أحد يظن أن العظماء تعساء إلا العظماء أنفسهم. إدوارد ينج: شاعر إنجليزي
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