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 Meditation in Schools

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 600
تاريخ التسجيل : 31/12/2010
الموقع : https://sixhatsdz.forumalgerie.net

Meditation in Schools   Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Meditation in Schools    Meditation in Schools   Emptyالإثنين نوفمبر 26, 2012 11:39 pm

Meditation in Schools

Those who make meditation a part of their daily lives know how beneficial it is to physical, emotional, and mental health as well as spiritual connection and grounding. The fact that meditation in schools is finally showing popularity is a positive sign for consideration. Meditation is an ancient Hindu tradition, yet science has proven the physical benefits enabling meditation in schools to be more justifiable.

Let's spend a moment of reflection about the proven benefits of meditation: Lowers blood pressure, reduces stress levels, reduces the risk of heart disease, improves learning capabilities, and enhances confidence and creativity. Meditation in students has also shown signs of decreasing conflicts amongst students, improve test scores and overall grades, brings forward new interest and enables them to cope with stress easily.

For adolescents, school can be a stressful experience, with worries about peer pressure, studying, future decisions, and family issues. Meditation in schools provides students with an opportunity to give contemplation to their concerns and clear their mind of any thought causing tension. Through doing this, they are able to focus more on the tasks at hand and absorb more information.

ADHD is a hyperactivity disorder that can affect a child's ability to learn effectively. Meditation in schools daily has shown positive results in improving the capabilities of those students with ADHD to function in the normal environment. They settle into lessons easily, interact with peers more calmly, and show more respect for figures of authority. The effects of the deep rumination spill over into all areas of their lives, and they sleep better, study more regularly and pay more attention to instructions.

Many techniques can be used for meditation in schools: Guided meditation is fantastic to help them prepare for an examination, and imagery and visualizations can also be used as an aid to help educate them about a difficult topic. Transcendental meditation has surprisingly been the one to show the most positive affect on students across the board. Although it may sound like something only hippies would do, it is actually a sound method used to lower brain wave levels and improve learning capabilities. It is simple, and involves the teacher learning to instruct the students through a basic chanting session. Some teachers prefer to play an audio meditation CD, which is easier if they are uncomfortable leading the chant themselves.

Give some thought ands deliberation to the fact that scientist have proven meditation increases the thickness of the brain cortex in areas that deal with sensory processing and attention". This makes it truly a teachers dream come true, and although the idea may make you uncomfortable or embarrassed at first, a calm and relaxed class means a better day at work for you. Of course it also always feels good for a teacher when their class tops the exam results, and meditation in schools is worth an honest effort.

Another reason all teachers should start including meditation in school is to offer the students an important tool for life: The art of being able to achieve deep relaxation and relieve yourself of stress. For teachers who have never experienced meditation personally, please give it a try! Once you see first hand how blissful it is to allow your conscious mind to step aside and access the depths of the subconscious, all while your body is totally relaxed, you will feel passionate and driven to teach it to the youngsters in your care.

People who meditate daily have an edge on others in life: Having the ability to clear your mind of worry and stressful contemplation, and allowing every tension and discomfort to melt away is important for healing and rejuvenating on a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level. By introducing meditation in schools you will be giving students that extra edge for success that they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.

By Phil Tyson

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